Jesus Wants You Luke 9:46-10:16 - 1/2/2022 Once we are saved that we are disciples of Christ who are called to grow into His likeness. The reality is that Jesus wants YOU! God the Father demonstrated His love to the world by sending His only begotten so that whoever believed would not perish but have Eternal Life. Jesus Christ paid the penalty for all the sins of humanity on the cross for everyone who believes. This free gift is received by grace through faith. However, once you become a believer, Jesus Christ demands full allegiance to Him and His mission on planet earth. This week we discussed four actions that Jesus wants every one of His followers to take. Although the call can be demanding, it also provides the greatest joy and peace for those who follow Him. May the Holy Spirit guide and convict you so that you may become all that God has purposed for you to become. Downloads & Resources Audio Download Message Notes