This week we kicked off the 2023 calendar year with a message from Mark 9 about Jesus’
healing of a young possessed boy. As Jesus returns from the mountain with Peter, James
and John he sees a crowd of people arguing with His other 9 disciples. When he questions
what is taking place, a father brings his son to Jesus and explains that he came for help but
that Jesus’ disciples were inept. Jesus is bothered by the lack of the faith in both His
disciples and in the nation of Israel and asks to have the boy brought to Him. As the boy
approaches Jesus the evil spirit throws him to the ground for one final violent action. Jesus
commands the deaf and mute spirit to leave and never return and the boy is completely
freed and healed. The disciples wonder why they were not able to heal but Jesus explains
that this kind only comes out through prayer. Prayer is a continued posture not a one-time
act. Prayer is a way of connecting with and hearing God and being obedient to His voice.
Prayer is a gift. Prayer grows our faith. May this week’s message encourage and unleash
your faith as you continue in your walk with the Lord Jesus Christ.