The Training of the Twelve Matthew 10 - 3/19/2023 This week we studied Matthew 10 and leaned about Jesus Christ’s first commissioning of the Twelve and the way in which He taught His apostles. Often, we read the Great Commission in Matthew 28:18-20 and falsely think that Jesus is now sending them out on mission for the very first time. However, upon further review we learn that He has been training and sending them all along. This week we studied four ways that He trained His twelve disciples. We learned that He had been asking them to pray to the Lord to send out workers into His field. We saw that He was asking them to pray so that they would be prepared to go. The fields are always ripe unto harvest, but the problem has always been that there are not enough people willing to go. Studying this passage should motivate you to not just learn the Word but to be ready to be sent by the Lord. May this week’s message encourage you to stay on mission. Downloads & Resources Audio Download Message Notes