What Does Jesus Want? Luke 10:1-24 - 3/27/2023 This week we continued our series entitled The Kingdom Invasion. First, we studied the uniqueness of Jesus Christ and His ministry here on the earth. Next, we looked at His powerful ministry over demons, disease and even death. We then saw how Jesus Christ did not just do ministry Himself, but delegated ministry to His twelve apostles who He instructed to do exactly what He was doing. Most Christians agree to these truths and even celebrate them. This week, however, we studied how Jesus Christ did not just stop with the 12 but appointed 70 others (perhaps 72 in your translation) and sent them out to do exactly what He had sent the 12 to do. This demonstrates that Jesus was not just using the twelve but was also using normal, anonymous saints. The implications of this truth are important for us to understand because Jesus Christ still wants to use His Church to do the exact same things that He did during His earthly ministry. May the truths of this week’s message and the application of God’s Word grow your joy in Christ as you live on mission for Him. Downloads & Resources Audio Download Message Notes