Fight for the Kingdom 2 Corinthians 5:16-21 - 8/20/2023 This week we continued our series entitled Waging War Against Our Enemy by addressing how to Fight for the Kingdom. Understanding how to live as a visible demonstration of God’s comprehensive rule of every area of life makes a difference in our witness as we advance Christ’s kingdom. We learned that there is a clash of the kingdom of Christ and the kingdom of darkness, and winning that battle is imperative to Christ’s desires for this world that He created. This week we highlighted five areas that matter and clarified how we are going to experience God’s greatest blessing on this side of heaven by following these directives. Understanding how to fight for the kingdom will drive back the darkness and allow the light of Christ to shine brightly. May this week’s message help us with our marching orders for making disciples in a world that is hostile to Christ. Downloads & Resources Audio Download Message Notes