Perfected Love

Dec 16, 2018|Jeff Schwarzentraub|1 John 4:12-16| #Christian Growth #Identity #Obedience
If we love one another God abides in us: This is the greatest evidence of God’s presence and work among us –love. Since no one has seen God at any time, this provides evidence for the presence of God. Perfected love is . . . Practiced and Present in the people of God. (12,16) The greatest evidence of God’s presence and practice is love. Where God is present and practicing, there will be love. We abide in Him, and He in us: Perfected love is . . .Possible with the Spirit of God. (13) Just as true as it is that we should abide in Him [Jesus], it is true that He does abide in us. It is the testimony of the Holy Spirit within us that makes it possible for us to love. The best way to glorify God is to love people, the way God loves us.