Manifested Love

Dec 9, 2018|Jeff Schwarzentraub|1 John 4:7-11| #Christian Growth #Community #Grace #Relationships
John’s emphasis on love among the people of God is powerful. Here, he shows why it is so important to love. If love is of God, then those who claim to be born of God, and claim to know God, must be able to love one another in the body of Christ. John insists that there is something that is given to the believer when they are born of God; a love is imparted to their life that they did not have before. Christians are not just forgiven – they are born anew by God’s Spirit, to love. When we say GOD is Love, we are not saying everything about God. Love is an essential aspect of His character, and colors every aspect of His nature. We know His holiness to be love, and the righteousness of God to be love, and so on. Therefore, we are of God, then we are loving to the people of God.